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Personal Data and Cookies Policy

1. Personal Data and Cookies Policy for www.unitedagainstfoodwaste.com and www.selinajuul.com

This Website, www.unitedagainstfoodwaste.com and www.selinajuul.com, (hereinafter referred to as (the) ”Website”) uses Cookies and other data files, that are covered by the Government issued “Order on requirements for information and consent to the storage of, or access to, information in end-user equipment” (hereinafter referred to as “Cookies”).

We use Cookies to make sure that we can provide you with the best possible experience at our Website. We respect wishes of ensuring privacy of personal information, that is submitted online, and we are aware of the need for protection and safe processing of any and all personal information we receive.

Below you can read more about the information we collect, how we process and utilize the information, who has access to the information and who you can contact about the information collected.

We remind you that others, including social media, may place Cookies or other data collection technology on our Website. This happens without our consent, so be advised. Please use settings in your browser that block tracking Cookies when you visit our Website.

2. Personal information

2.1.1 Personal information is information that can in one way or another be attributed to you, for example address, gender, name, etc. The purpose is to get information about you as a user as well as to personalize the Website for you.

2.1.2 If you wish to become an active or volunteer member of the organization, including as a support member or a collaborator, please send us an e-mail with personal information. We only need your name ande your e-mail address. This information is collected and stored and of course we will guard your information well. Access to the information is limited to trusted employees and our security measures are continuously monitored so that your personal information is not accidentally nor illegally deleted, damaged or lost, also to ensure, that it will not some to any third party’s knowledge or otherwise be misused or used in violation of the law.

2.1.3 The information is kept for the time allowed by law and we delete them when they are no longer necessary. The period depends on the nature of the information and the background for storage.

2.1.4 You may, in accordance with the Danish Data Protection Act, always request knowledge of and insight into what information of yours we have registered and object to a registration.

2.1.5 In addition, we use a number of third parties to store and process data. These only deal with information on our behalf and may not use the information to their own purposes.

2.1.6 Disclosure of personal information such as name and e-mail, etc. will only happen with your explicit consent. We only use information processing operators in the EU or in countries that can provide your information with adequate protection. Disclosure will be made in accordance with the personal data law currently in force at the time.

2.1.7 We may surrender your personal information if, under applicable law, we are required to transfer or share your personal information with law enforcement agencies.

2.1.8 The data controller responsible for your information is:

Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark
(Stop Spild Af Mad)
Amaliegade 6, 2. tv
DK-1256 Copenhagen K
Danish Central Business Register no.: 38 21 72 91

3. Cookie policy

3.1 What are Cookies?

3.1.1 A Cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit our Website. This enables us to remember your actions and settings, such as login, language, font size, and other display options for a certain amount of time, so you will not have to chose settings every time you visit our Website.

3.1.2 Only actions and settings are stored in a Cookie, and thus does not contain personal information. It is not a program and it can not carry virus.

3.2 How do we use Cookies?

3.2.1 We only collect information about you through our Website and by utilizing Cookies from Google Analytics.

3.2.2 When you visit and use our Website, you consent to our Cookie Policy and to the fact, that we may collect information about you.

3.2.3 By using our Website, we or our collaborator automatically store a number of Cookies on the device with which you visit our Website.

3.2.4 Google Analytics is used to analyze how users use the Website, including browsing data and IP address, which is sent to and stored on Google servers. Google does not link your IP address to other information stored by Google. You can read more about Google Analytics Cookies and Google’s Privacy Policy here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en We use the information to improve the user experience on our Website, to keep traffic statistics, as well as increase the value of our ads by targeting them to you on our Website and elsewhere on the internet. On our Website we link to social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Blogspot, where it is possible for the user to follow Stop Wasting Food (Stop Spild Af Mad). These social media can store Cookies, so we encourage you to read the social media policies for Cookies and personal data.

3.3 Disabling Cookies

3.3.1 You can always disable Cookies or delete already stored Cookies by changing the settings in your browser. How you disable Cookies will depend on the browser you are using. See instructions here: https://bit.ly/2XXJAu3

You should be aware that if you disable Cookies, there are many features and services on the internet that you can not use.