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Become an ambassador in the fight against food waste!

Get your voice heard and support the Stop Wasting Food movement on social media by using our official hashtag #stopwastingfood

If you have a food blog and you blog about food waste, don’t hesitate to link to Stop Wasting Food – and you may end up being displayed on our Facebook page which has 60,000+ followers.

About use of our logo:

Stop Wasting Food (Stop Spild Af Mad) names, logos, visual identity and illustrations are copyrighted materials and may only be used by anyone other than Stop Wasting Food (Stop Spild Af Mad) if authorized written permission has been obtained from Stop Wasting Food (Stop Spild Af Mad). In plain language, we wish to be responsible only for the initiatives and activities we initiate by Stop Wasting Food (Stop Spild Af Mad).